Patrician IV: Gold PC, wersja cyfrowa
- Gatunek: Strategiczne
- Klasyfikacja PEGI: Od lat 12
- Liczba graczy: Jeden gracz, Wieloosobowa
- Rodzaj: Gra - pełna wersja
- Wersja: Wersja cyfrowa (ESD)
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Patrician IV Gold Edition includes standard version of the game Patrician IV and expansion Rise of a Dynasty.
Patrician IV is the sequel to the historical trading simulation and strategy series. You are a merchant in northern Europe in the late Middle Ages when the Hanseatic League was flourishing. Your goal is to rise to the most successful and influential member of the Hanse, ultimately being elected Elderman, leader of the trading league. You start bargaining with common goods, build up your own production and establish a merchant fleet. Later on, you will gain more and more political influence and even found new towns.
Patrician IV - Rise of a Dynasty brings a comprehensive package of improvements and new features to the best-selling Patrician IV including online multiplayer and new scenarios.
- Gatunek Strategiczne
- Klasyfikacja PEGI Od lat 12
- Liczba graczy Jeden gracz, Wieloosobowa
- Rodzaj Gra - pełna wersja
- Wersja Wersja cyfrowa (ESD)
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