Iron Sky: Invasion PC, wersja cyfrowa
- Gatunek: Akcji, Strategiczne, Symulacje
- Klasyfikacja PEGI: Od lat 12
- Liczba graczy: Jeden gracz
- Rodzaj: Gra - pełna wersja
- Wersja: Wersja cyfrowa (ESD)
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In the near future, mankind faces the greatest threat to its posterity ever in recorded history: an invading Nazi horde, reborn in the depths of space! An armada of Fourth Reich ships, built in secret at a hidden base on the moon, descends upon the Earth to rain terror and destruction. But this is not done without resistance. A cadre of crack space pilots have stepped forth to defend Mother Earth from becoming the new Fatherland of this twisted regime. A lone pilot, entering the hangar to see three state-of-the-art, prototypes ships awaiting him, knows he is the only one who can save Planet Earth. It is up to him and his brothers in arms to ensure that humanity stays free of the yolk of Nazism for good and all...
Set during the main conflict of the movie, “Iron Sky: Invasion” puts players in the cockpit of an advanced new starfighter, to test his or her might, flight and dogfighting skills against the forthcoming Blitzkrieg-on-high. The main objectives are to defend Earth and its space installations from enemy attacks, blast as many Nazi ships into oblivion as humanly possible, collect and skillfully manage necessary resources, and make it alive to the final confrontation… where the ultimate secret weapon of the Fourth Reich awaits those foolishly brave enough to take up the hammer and chisel of heroism and attempt to carve their names onto the tablets of history.
- Gatunek Akcji, Strategiczne, Symulacje
- Klasyfikacja PEGI Od lat 12
- Liczba graczy Jeden gracz
- Rodzaj Gra - pełna wersja
- Wersja Wersja cyfrowa (ESD)
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