Arcana Heart 3 LOVEMAX SIXSTARS! PC, wersja cyfrowa
- Gatunek: Anime, Bijatyki, Zręcznościowe
- Klasyfikacja PEGI: Od lat 12
- Liczba graczy: Jeden gracz, Wieloosobowa
- Rodzaj: Gra - pełna wersja
- Wersja: Wersja cyfrowa (ESD)
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Arcana Heart 3 LOVEMAX SIXSTARS!!!!!!, previously only available in Japan arcades, is now appearing on Steam by overwhelmingly popular request from players worldwide!!
New Playable Character "Minori Amanohara"
After its establishment, the Drexler Institute developed artificial Valkyries and Arcanas. Minori Amanohara was one of the few products of that research who was born at the Japan Branch of the Institute. She is a “Hybride”, a special Valkyrie who can dual-wield the powers of the Arcana and the Geist. She escaped the facility with the help of Petra. “Doing good deeds in secrecy” is her motto, so she uses her ability to defeat evil without being seen.
Although frustrated by her inability to help Heart and the other Angels, she continues to fight for world peace with her newly acquired powers, and stands tall fighting for peace as the "Annihilation Angel Subaru" (self-proclaimed super hero name).
New Arcana "Ichor", the Arcana of Blood
The Arcana of Blood symbolizing the essence of life. The Mobius strip represents the reincarnation of all life. Enhances all potentials to their maximum strength.
- Gatunek Anime, Bijatyki, Zręcznościowe
- Klasyfikacja PEGI Od lat 12
- Liczba graczy Jeden gracz, Wieloosobowa
- Rodzaj Gra - pełna wersja
- Wersja Wersja cyfrowa (ESD)
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